Back to the Wild

/ welcome to wellness week

The College of Health, Human Services, and Science invites you to join us for our third annual celebration of Wellness Week at Ashford University. We began this initiative to call attention to National Wellness Week, celebrated annually during the third week of September as part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA’s) National Recovery Month to inspire individuals and communities to incorporate the Eight Dimensions of Wellness into their lives. While wellness is especially important for people with mental or physical illness, we want everyone to know that your overall health and well-being goes beyond going to the gym to tone and shape your physical body. Your social, emotional, and spiritual well-being are equally important, and the more we know about how to take care of ourselves the longer, healthier, and happier our lives will be. This is why we celebrate wellness week, and this is why we hope you will join us too!
This year, we have invited faculty and students to join our celebration by submitting a written blog or 1-minute wellness video on a topic of wellness of interest to them. We will also host six live sessions during the week addressing the areas of physical, spiritual, emotional and occupational health. I look forward to what Wellness Week 2019 has to offer!
Laura Sliwinski, PhD, MHA | Executive Dean
/ live presentation SCHEDULE
12 pm PT
Conventional Medicine is Failing: Holistic Medicine is the Answer by Crystal Galvan Mendez

/ social wellness
Monday, September 16
Social-Emotional Wellness & You
Lisa Romo
Are you feeling anxious? Alone? Maybe not up to going out with friends? Social-emotional wellness is for YOU! YOU have the power to change your mind, body, and spirit. YOU control how you respond to others. People and things do not bother us unless we allow it. Want to be a successful student with a calm, encouraging spirit? Try some of the techniques in this wellness blog today. Stay mindful.
Balancing Mind, Body, and Interactions
Michelle Gill
Everyday people ask me “Michelle how do you find the time to balance school, work and being a parent”? In this blog, I will discuss strategies on how to balance the mind, thoughts and interactions.
Triggered From the Past
Aisha Thomas
They say "don't judge a book by its cover" however some of us judge the book by our past. Our previous experiences with trauma or pain can resurface when a trigger hits us that reminds us of a past person, place or thing. Learn why it's important to heal from the past so it doesn't affect your future.

/ spiritual & intellectual wellness
Tuesday, September 17
Intellectual Wellness and the Life of the Mind
C.T. Rowley
Intellectual wellness is an often-neglected aspect of human wellness. But it is arguably as important as other wellness variables. This article builds on the premise that, an active mind is a healthy mind and will explore how embracing life-long learning may support faculty and students with maintaining intellectual wellness. It will recommend specific resources and activities to support maintaining intellectual vitality and well-being.
Using Mindfulness to Cope with Stress of Online Learning
David Bailey
The global community places a high level of emphasis on the value of education. Higher education institutes have expanded the way they serve students by offering degree programs to a wider market through the use of the internet. The inherent difference between ground-based and online education is the limited support offered to remote, online students. Online programs require students to be more disciplined in meeting deadlines and assuming more of the role for achieving identified learning objectives. After reading the blog, the reader will take away some brief strategies that will help in managing the stress encountered through an online program.
Reflection as Spiritual Wellness
Karin Parramore
Intellectual wellness is an often-neglected aspect of human wellness. But it is arguably as important as other wellness variables. This article builds on the premise that, an active mind is a healthy mind and will explore how embracing life-long learning may support faculty and students with maintaining intellectual wellness. It will recommend specific resources and activities to support maintaining intellectual vitality and well-being.
Pranayama: Pause, Pray and Perform
Phelicia Price
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 | 12:00 pm PT
Pranayama is the breath, the life force. This Zoom mini workshop will cover the importance and power of the breath. There will be breath techniques to ease the mind and prepare for meditation or prayer. Breathing is also important to your movement practice. Marrying the body to the breath is a wonderful way increase flexibility, build strength and boost stamina. The body is amazing and extremely resilient, but the mind that controls it can be manipulated. The beautiful thing about the breath, it is never in the past and never in the future, it is always in the present. You can use the breath to be present, to prepare for rigorous activity and to bring a feeling of calmness. We have the power to change our response by changing our breath and sending signals to our brain that we are ok and that we have things under control.

Wednesday, September 18
Finding Inner Balance: The Mind-Body Connection
Marion Burke
How we think can affect how we feel, and how we feel can affect how we think. Mind and body - two powerful allies that can positively and negatively impact our health and well-being. Understanding this powerful connection between mind and body allows us to actively promote lasting change to improve quality of life. This Blog Article focuses on the mind-body connection and on strategies that are aimed at improving physical and emotional well-being.
Identifying Your Own Happiness at Work is Easier Than You Think!
Dianne Weinstein
This article provides information on (1) what happiness is, (2) the importance of values relative to happiness, (3) organizational interest in happiness, and (4) employee engagement, -- which are important topics to be explored as you seek happiness at work.
Health & Wellness 2019 Wellness Techniques: Meditation & Movement
Ellie Parvin
Health and wellness should not be ignored. We shouldn't discount the value of self-care as it has an effect on how we show up, communicate, and serve others. In this video, I share two things I do to maintain my physical/spiritual wellness: Meditation and Movement.
Maximizing the Power in You and Good Health Too
Angela S. Dallas
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 | 11:00 am PT
This presentation will provide information to raise awareness of the magnitude of importance of physical activity, healthy food and proper sleep impacts extraordinary productivity. Knowing the right formula that is individualized base on interest and focus, each person will experience how to demonstrate EPIC behavior. EPIC behavior: Everyday Produce Intentional Choices of Action. Participants will receive quick tips in areas of physical activity, healthy foods and proper sleep to keep energy level for maximizing productivity and serving others.
Click here for session playlist >
Using Mindfulness for Occupational Health
David Bailey
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 | 12:00 pm PT
The workplace environment has become considerably more stressful over the last couple of decades due to increased competition and the expansion of global markets. Despite the increased level of stress, most organizations do not have programs in place to assist individuals to effectively handle increase levels of stress. This presentation will provide strategies, based on his doctoral manuscript that will help individuals to handle stress in effort to be healthier, more productive, and more satisfied at work and in life in general. I will describe brief techniques that can be simply performed at work or at home.
Click here for session playlist >
Achieving Balance through Recreation
Melaney Dees
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 | 1:00 pm PT
As students we often work at break-neck pace to research, complete assignments, and juggle all of our own personal responsibilities. How does one achieve emotional sanity, physical fitness, spiritual connection, and an opportunity to be with family and friends? The answer may be as simple as how we play or use our recreational time. TV binging is great from time to time, but spending as little as 15 minutes dancing around the living room with your family, connecting with friends two or three times a week to exercise, or taking a 5 minute break in between discussion posts can lift your mood and renew energy.

/ PHYSICAL & emotional wellness
Thursday, September 19
Think, Thank, Talk! Emotional and mental fitness for health, purpose, connection, and happiness
Heather Pederson
Emotional and mental fitness are critical components of health, purpose, connection, and happiness. Happiness is the new rich. Health is the new wealth. Inner peace is the new success. Kindness is the new cool. In this session, participants will reflect on and discuss strategies for recognizing and addressing some common things that lead to faculty burn-out, stress, and unhealthy relationships in teaching and mentoring.
Having a Pet Can Make Your Life Healthier
Maureen Lienau
Research studies from around the world have demonstrated a significant bond between humans, their health, and companion pets. Pets have been shown to consistently reduce stress. Pets can reduce loneliness and isolation which are positive health factors. Pet ownership also has been shown to increase life expectancy.
Teachers Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup: Mindfulness for Teacher Candidates
Jayme Hines
Teachers Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup: Mindfulness For Teacher Candidates. In this 1-min video, the presenter will share tips, guidance, and resources for teacher candidate on how to begin to practice mindfulness. Mental health is critical for new teachers, and this session will begin the conversation.
60-Second Happiness Challenge
Heather Fredrick
Why focus on being happy? When you are happy amazing things happen as your life flows from a place of grace and ease. In this video, learn a simple technique that can raise your vibration, shift your mood and Expand Your Happy.
De-Stress with Breath
Heather Frederick
Thursday, September 19, 2019 | 11:00 am PT
Go from stressed and over-whelmed to calm and relaxed as you learn the basics about breath work along with a simple technique that will help you release anxiety and tension so that you can create space for more of what you want out of life.
Click here for session playlist >
Conventional Medicine is Failing: Holistic Medicine is the Answer
Crystal Galvan Mendez
Thursday, September 19, 2019 | 12:00 pm PT
We live in a society in which fear plays a major role in our decision making. This is apparent in the way that conventional medicine in the United States uses fear to enforce its practice guidelines. Fear surrounding pregnancy and the birth process has resulted in an alarming rise in both cesarean births and the rates of severe maternal morbidity. This is an issue that merits collective attention in order to dispel the fear of this natural process and thus change the perception, and ultimately the medical paradigm, of pregnancy and birth in the United States.
/ author & presenter bios
Dr. David G. Bailey
Dr. David G. Bailey is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist who has, over a 20 year period, culminated a variety of experiences within public and human services, mental health, and higher education. Dr. Bailey has held positions that were integral in improving the lives of youth in foster care placement, providing permanency to children and youth through adoption, and advocating for individuals in mental health treatment. Dr. Bailey has served as an academic advisor and was instrumental in helping both traditional and non-traditional students achieve success in their academic programs. His doctoral manuscript was focused on identifying those mindfulness interventions that were beneficial to reducing job-related stress. Within his research, he recommends components that should be utilized in a program implemented to help those in high stress occupations more effectively handle high levels of stress and thus avoid burnout and turnover.
Dr. Marion Burke
Dr. Marion Burke is a Licensed Applied Psychologist and a Board Certified Coach. She has been an Associate Faculty member within the College of Health, Human Services, and Sciences since 2007 where she has taught numerous courses for the BA and MA in Psychology programs. As a certified Peer and Master Reviewer for Quality Matters (QM), Dr. Burke is also engaged in course design reviews to evaluate the quality of online and blended courses.
Dr. Burke’s passion for teaching grows out of her genuine desire to assist others to promote their well-being and reach their full potential. Her approach to teaching builds on adult learning principles, focusing on each individual learner and his or her needs and characteristics. What she finds works best with her students are high expectations coupled with high levels of support. High expectations communicate her beliefs about students' capabilities, and genuine support ensures that these beliefs become a reality.
Dr. Burke’s professional interests center on advancing others’ well-being through person-centered, cognitive-behavioral, and strength-based approaches. In her spare time, she operates her own consulting and psychological services practice, where she provides individual coaching and psychoeducational consultation to support her clients. Her research interests include the long-term consequences of early experiences, developmental psychopathology, as well as the promotion of health and well-being.
Dr. Angela S. Dallas
As a desire to be a life-long learner, Dr. Dallas’ academic preparation began with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education from Concordia College, a Masters of Education Degree in Educational Leadership & Supervision from University of West Alabama, a Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education from American College of Education, an Educational Specialist Degree in Curriculum & Instruction from, a Doctorate of Education Degree in Instructional Leadership both from Argosy University, post graduate studies Education Leadership Superintendence tract at Arkansas State University and ESOL at Henderson State University.
Dr. Angela Seay Dallas is a life-long learner, an author, presenter of National and International Conferences, and assistant professor. Her degree areas are Early Childhood Education, Educational Leadership & Supervision, Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Leadership and TESOL with post graduate hours in District Level Administration/Superintendence track. Angela has twelve years of higher education experience in both online and face-to-face, working specifically with students who are identified as at-risk (at-potential) and non-traditional. Dr. Dallas has obtained 18 years of Pre-K - twelve education experience, as a lead teacher, drop-out prevention specialist, teacher mentor, curriculum leader, liaison between school and district office, education specialist, ESL coordinator, testing coordinator, Parent/Community facilitator, Extended Learning coordinator, 21st Century Program Director, and an Administrator; Angela has 12 years of experience of collegiate education as a Field Experience Director, Assessment Director, Intern Supervisor, Lead Professor, Course Development Advisor.
Angela has also developed, organized, and maintained professional learning communities in the K-12 arena and higher education, developed undergraduate and graduate level courses in the bachelors, and master’s programs, taught bachelor, master’s and doctoral courses, scored comprehensive exams, and conducted Praxis II preparation courses in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, and she has served on Leadership, Curriculum and Assessment, Accreditation committees, Dissertation committees and as Chair of Dissertation committees .
She currently serves on College of Education and university level committees as well as host on-going effective professional learning community collaboration sessions. Dr. Dallas is also a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Zumba, Strong by Zumba and Aqua Zumba Certified. Angela also facilitates dance fitness classes regularly.
Melaney Dees
Melaney Dees is an Honors College student here at Ashford. She graduates Fall 2019 with a BA in Applied Behavioral Science and volunteers as a mentor for Ashford's CHAMPS program. With 20+ years experience in the mental and physical health industry, she has served as a Patient Care Technician, mother, family member, friend and advocate for those striving for balanced health. Her life experiences have been wide, both fruitful and fruitless. She loves people for all their quirks and abilities. Her favorite activities and hobbies include dancing, singing, gardening, writing, organizing, and cooking. Melaney finds that her faith and optimism saves her sanity every day and the people she loves are her motivation.
Dr. Heather Frederick
Dr. Heather Frederick received her PhD in Social/Developmental Psychology from Brandies University, where her focus was lifespan development, successful aging, and quantitative statistical methods.
She has been in higher education for over 20 years, primarily teaching Research Methods, Statistics, and mentoring doctoral candidates. Her research interests are varied and include: Mindfulness practices, epigenetics, somatic therapy, energy psychology, and sound therapy.
When she’s not going down the rabbit hole with these topics, she spends her time creating memories with loved ones and designing online courses and experiential workshops and retreats that help people remember who they really are, giving them the freedom to live a more joyful life.
Crystal Galvan Mendez
Crystal Galvan Mendez is a sophomore at Ashford University pursuing a double major in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Health and Wellness. After graduation she plans to obtain her master’s degree in Nursing and eventually become a Holistic Nurse Practitioner. She is also the proud mother of seven wonderful children, six of whom are still at home. Life is busy between her family, work, and school, but she always keeps a smile on her face. Crystal is passionate about organic foods, reading, healthy living, and the great outdoors. She believes that no one should ever stop learning throughout their lifetime.
Michelle Gill
My name is Michelle Gill and I currently reside in New Jersey with my 14 year old son. I have a Post Masters College Teaching Certificate and a Master’s Degree in Human Services both of which were obtained at Capella University. My bachelor’s degree is in Sociology and was obtained from William Paterson University. I am currently a PhD student here at Ashford University with a concentration in Human Services. For almost 15 years I have been employed with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency working in the adoption and permanency department. For the past 10 years I’ve been working as a Child Welfare Investigator alongside the County Prosecutors Office and local Police. On a regular basis, I am responsible for investigating severe cases of abuse and neglect. For example, these cases are often seen on the news and in the media. Although my job can get overwhelming at times, I find it rewarding to help children and their families.
I am the CEO and Founder of Michelle’s Foundation Inc. a non-profit 501 c(3) organization firmly dedicated to providing social, educational support and services to the children of Essex County, New Jersey. I am currently working on the organizations 8th annual back to school drive where my associates and I provide underprivileged children with support to include much needed school supplies, over the past 8 years Michelle’s Foundation provided services and support to over 6000 children.
In my spare time, I host a radio show in the Caribbean community where we discuss issues ranging from family, love, and relationships to name just a few. I like to hang out with my son, family, and friends. Additionally, I love to read and listen to music.
I believe that in life doing what you love is essentially important. So live in your passion.
Dr. Jayme Irene Hines
Dr. Jayme Irene Hines is an Assistant Professor of Education at Keene State College in Keene, NH and an Associate Faculty at Ashford University. She holds a BA in Elementary Education from St. Bonaventure University, M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from the College of Charleston, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the College of Saint Mary in Omaha, NE.
Dr. Hines has several research interests including social and emotional development of preschool children, teacher preparation, and faculty-student relationships. Jayme teaches Early Childhood and Elementary courses and supervises and supports Early Childhood student teachers.
Dr. Maureen K. Lienau
Dr. Maureen K. Lienau is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Ashford University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Education with a minor in Student Development and a M.A. in Counseling from The University of Iowa. Dr Lienau has over 25 years’ experience teaching at the college level, including teaching undergraduates at The University of Iowa, North Dakota State, Moorhead State, and Ashford Universities, and Elmhurst College. In addition, she has extensive experience writing grants and fellowships to federal agencies and administering grants from the DOE, NEH, and NEA. While working for Argosy University, Dr Lienau taught both masters and doctoral level courses and supervised doctoral student dissertations and masters’ capstones. Her research interests focus on factors affecting college student retention and academic success, and faculty evaluation and is a member on the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Karin Parramore
Karin Parramore has been interested in herbal medicine her entire life and purchased her first book on herbal medicine at the age of seven. She obtained Chartered Herbalist status from Dominion Herbal College in 2001 and graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in 2012 with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Karin is licensed to practice acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and currently serves as full-time faculty at Ashford University in the Bachelor of Arts in Complementary and Alternative Health (BACAH) program.
Karin’s interests include music and dance, traveling the world, and building tiny houses.
Ellie Parvin
Ellie Parvin is a Communication Expert, Speaker, University Professor and Owner of Ellie also helps people improve their communication skills using LIVE video so they can move their audience to action, and improve relationships in their business and personal lives! She is a university professor, speaker, course creator and owner of
Dr. Heather Pedersen
Dr. Heather Pederson joined the Ashford University faculty in 2018 after serving as online faculty and administrator at various universities for over 14 years. Since coming to Ashford, she has served on over two dozen dissertation and ADP committees and has taught a variety of research courses. She currently teaches both qualitative and quantitative research. Dr. Pederson has been an educator in several capacities for over 20 years and has served as Director of Curriculum and Instruction, contributing and FT faculty at both brick and mortar and online universities, Program and Course developer, Subject Matter Expert, Institutional Review Board member, Program Chair, Comprehensive Exam writer and scorer, Residency Professor and Lead, PhD and EdD Program Director, dissertation committee member, dissertation chair, and University Research Reviewer.
Her belief that all people have value motivates her to tap into the resources that our diverse society presents us. As an educator, she promotes high expectations, excellence, collaboration, and accountability within her teaching and learning communities.
Her personal interests outside of academia include coaching youth sports, boating on Lake Michigan, traveling, and tending a hobby farm which includes pigs, chickens, horses, and rabbits.
An important aspect of her life is family -- her husband of 15 years, 13 year-old daughter, and 10 year old boy/girl twins, and Olive, their mini-Chihuahua.
Phelicia Price
A proud Charlotte, NC, native Phelicia currently resides in Greenville, North Carolina the home of her alma mater, East Carolina University. At ECU she earned her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Economics and currently teaches economics at Ashford University. Her love for teaching and yoga brought her to the 200-hour yoga teacher training program with Samantha Harrison Yoga. In April 2019 she completed a 30-day, 300-hour intensive advanced yoga teacher training with Authentic Movements in Uvita, Costa Rica.
Phelicia looked to yoga for both her mental and physical health when faced with dialysis in 2015 and after a successful kidney transplant in 2016. Her passion for yoga spilled right over into her desire to educate individuals on preventative care and self-care with chronic illness. She is passionate about yoga because it improves the capacity for healing and balancing. Phelicia continues to be an advocate in the community for continued education in these areas, knowing that those who practice yoga regularly are less likely to exhibit chronic mental and physical health problems.
Lisa Roma
My name is Lisa Romo. I am an instructional Support Specialist and Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher from Fort Worth, Texas. My passion lies in educating adults, children and their families in the area of social-emotional wellness, and mental health. Through my doctoral studies at Ashford University, I will begin work as a professor and continue focusing on mental wellness of students and teachers in the public and private sectors of K-12 education, and post-secondary.
Dr. C.T. Rowley
Dr. Rowley is an Associate Professor and Lead Faculty member in the Division of General Education. She has been teaching Full-Time for Ashford University since 2012 and started as an Associate Faculty member in 2007. Her professional and research interests are on the social-psychology of health and wellness in multi-cultural communities. In her spare time, she enjoys exercise, eco-advocacy and supporting animal related causes.
Aisha Thomas
Aisha Thomas is an impactful and energetic speaker with a passion to empower the youth through social and emotional facilitation. As a Confidence Creator and Mental Health Advocate, she aims to embed inclusion, self-love and motivation into the culture of each young person, which results to healthier homes, schools and community climates.
Her journey began when her family migrated to the United States, from Sierra Leone, Freetown, a country in West Africa. Soon after starting elementary school, she encountered bullying which followed her into high school. As an attempt to belong, she began to follow a bad crowd of friends which led to her having a 0.4 GPA, her first quarter, as well as being suspended. As time progressed, her self-esteem waned and she attempted suicide that freshman year of high school, at the age of 14.
With an unstoppable mindset, Aisha overcame many other challenges from dating violence and sexual assault and became an honor roll student. She also graduated in the first computer networking program, in her district, completed college and joined the United States Air Force (USAF), where she has been serving, for over 14 years.
Aisha's service did not stop once she joined the USAF. She embarked on a journey to raise community awareness on topics such as sexual assault, suicide and bystander intervention. Thousands have been impacted and inspired after hearing her words of encouragement. She joined the Speaker's Bureau for the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and began speaking at universities, community organizations and churches. She also became a lead Facilitator for the Department of Defense, educating civilian and military members on suicide and interpersonal violence.
Aisha studies under the tutelage of World Renowned Motivational Speaker and Author, Dr. Eric Thomas. She is currently one of the lead mentors of a military team that supports local schools. She manages volunteer recruiting efforts, teacher/student feedback and creates programs and activities to create solid mentee/mentor relationships. Aisha’s personal triumph is the reason why she has embarked on this path to empower young men and women one speech at a time.
Dr. Dianne Weinstein
Dr. Dianne Weinstein is a Lead Faculty member of the College of Health, Human Services, and Science at Ashford University. She earned a Doctorate of Applied Organizational Psychology and an MBA from Hofstra University, a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University, and certificates from various programs in Human Resources Management, Coaching, Distance and Hybrid Learning, Behavioral Analysis, Motivational Analysis, among others. Dr. Weinstein is the president of an international assessment, coaching, and training organization that aligns professional performance with business objectives. As an Executive Coach, Dr. Weinstein draws on a wealth of business experiences within public and private companies, including service as Vice President - Human Resources, Chief Ethics Officer, Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, and Change Agent. As the designer and facilitator of a course on Workplace Values and Happiness, Dr. Dianne Weinstein writes about doors that can be opened to provide individual happiness at work.