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Ashford Dean Panel

Katie Scheie

When I reflect on the past two days I have spent participating in the 2018 TLC Conference; I cannot think of a better way to kick-off the final day than listening to 7 Ashford University Academic Leaders share their thoughts and answer questions submitted by our academic community. The theme of TLC this year is: Educate, Connect, Inspire. Being able to have the opportunity to hear specific examples of these three words in action is something I do not take for granted.

During the panel, I heard how Ashford is committed to educating, connecting, and inspiring our students by utilizing technology tools such as Civitas, Tutoring and Data Analysis. These tools allow faculty the ability to meet our students where they are at, and it is our collective responsibility to do that. I was reminded that the Ashford student does not face the same challenges as the typical aged college student, and we need to utilize our tools to meet their needs. Having access to these are differentiators and promote student success.

Above and beyond technology I was also reminded that we educate, connect and inspire by building relationships using group collaboration, learning communities, and active learning which gives students instant feedback to provide reinforcement and encouragement.

Ashford University is in a transformative time, and we are in the business of transforming lives. Listening to our Deans this morning talk about the future of Ashford University, Curriculum Development, Technology Tools, Engagement, an

d Collaboration hit home to me that I am in the business along with my colleagues where I am privileged to Educate, Connect, and Inspire!

Katie Scheie

Vice President, University Registrar

Ashford University

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