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TLC theme of Diversity and Equity

The session titled Brand Building Through Diversity and Inclusion included a wealth of information about the student and faculty demographics at AU and the gap between numbers of white male instructors and black female students.

We learned about the AU Diversity and Inclusion Council for students, faculty and staff support. Climate, Recruitment, Retention and Success.

Things we can do to promote diversity and equity:

-Post a statement in our syllabi sharing beliefs in inclusion and diversity.

-Choose articles and resources in our courses from diverse authors.

-Appoint a Chief Diversity, Inclusion or Equity officer.

-Establish student organizations such as AAA and EBA

-Academic support – expand tutoring,

-Celebrate diversity as an institution

-Talk and learn and real news sessions - can be student led.

The Deans panel shared thoughts from our Deans, and one topic was Equity issues. The panel discussed the Black Minds Matter course going on right now. Email Justin Harrison or Newton Miller for information – it is not too late to join. I have not missed a session and can tell you it is amazing! The guest speakers are wonderful!

As faculty develop courses, we need to focus on how to weave in multiple voices especially underrepresented groups. Clubs can help all share their voice. Responding to life issues is one way we all can help all students! Assume the positive in students.

Lastly, Newton Miller in So You Say At-Risk Learners Need Accommodations...Prove It! Provide resources and described his research about men of color and how all men need extra focused attention. The part of survival mindset was extremely interesting – how it applies to our students. Also I loved the explanation of accommodations as tools to help students learn.

Truly a fascinating theme in this year’s conference that should cause us all to examine practice and beliefs, and find ways we too can work to achieve more in this area!

Dr. Judy Donovan

Dr. Judy Donovan

Program Chair, College of Education

Ashford University

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