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Let’s Keep Going……..

Dr. Mindy Sloan

Each of us has likely had the experience of attending sessions at a national conference and being disappointed that there was nothing new to learn. Proud on the one hand that what we do in-house is typically more innovative, forward thinking, and aligned with the needs of today’s learners than what we can find elsewhere. Just like TLC. And at the same time saddened that there is so much work to do and so few colleagues who are contributing like us.

Before you become too disheartened and think about giving up, remember this. Five years ago we did not have a Writing Center. Today we offer 24/7 writing tutoring, paper reviews returned within 24 hours, Grammarly for instant paper feedback, a public facing website for the entire world to use, and lots of other resources. Our Library has 24/7 tutoring, a discovery service that allows learners to search across all databases at the same time, and a 24/7 knowledge base called QuickAnswers that led to the development of AskAshford. A BOT may be coming. Learning objects are embedded within our curriculum at the point of need where students find help when they need help. Tutoring in key subject areas is showing great promise to increase learning and help more students to finish their courses. We have come so far.

If we keep leading, others are bound to learn from us, more students will graduate, and the world will be a better place. We can and will make a difference. Let’s keep going.

Mindy Sloan, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President, Student Success

Bridgepoint Education

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