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Teaching and Learning Conference ePosters

In the following ePosters, an array of presenters – ranging from students to faculty and industry experts – address this year’s conference theme through informal, brief examinations of effective practices, research findings, or technical solutions. Each pre-recorded presentation lasts approximately 10 minutes.

Aligning NACE Competencies with Students’ Hierarchy of Needs  

Dr. Wendy Conaway and Dr. Connie Lower

Associate Professors at Ashford University

Using HTML in Creating Better Visuals

Dr. Tony Sgarlatti

Associate Faculty at Ashford University

Creating Space to Engage: Five Effective Tips for Organizing Your Teaching Practice

Dr. Ryan Bates
Associate Faculty at Ashford University

Being Vulnerable: Using Screencasting Video to Engage as Teacher and Learner

Dr. Ryan Bates 
Associate Faculty at Ashford University

Hello, is it me you’re looking for?: Instructor-student strategies that increase presence and decrease burnout in an online learning environment

Dr. Romona Banks
Associate Faculty at Ashford University

Teaming Together on Lasting Inclusive Culture

Kimberly O'Brien
Associate Faculty at Ashford University

Assessing Suicidal Youth Engaged in Social Media: A handbook for clinicians  

Dr. Teressa Bowman


Perception of Mental Health Care in Ghana: A Qualitative Descriptive Study 

Dr. Elias-Bright Fleku


​A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Of The Lived Experiences Of Professional Employees Who Experience Loss Of An Immediate Family Member And Return To Work

Dr. Michael Coomer

Organizational Development

Understanding the Values and Communication Preferences of Generation Z: An Exploratory Case Study

Dr. Delia de Jesus

Organizational Development

Transit-Oriented Development and Gentrification: A Case Study Examining the Cultural Effects on a Historically Black Neighborhood in Denver, Colorado 

Dr. Genene Duran

Human Services

Learning Management System Advanced Functionality: Challenges and Best Practices- A Delphi Study 

Dr. Jennifer Hill


Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals: A Systematic Literature Review

Dr. Shyra Jones


Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Member Caregivers: Exploration of Lived Experiences

Dr. Crystal Kelley


Understanding Perceived Fairness in Eminent Domain: The Case of Texas Energy Pipelines

Dr. James Lester, Jr.


The Influence of School Principals' Communications Styles on Experienced Teachers' Job Satisfaction

Dr. Markethia Mull

Organizational Development

Implicit Beliefs, Mental Skills Use, Sport Enjoyment, Resilience, and Competitive Motivational Styles of College and High School Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study 

Dr. Sarah Sims Anderson


Creating a Leadership Development Program for Nurse Leaders to Address the Problem of Burnout in Healthcare 

Dr. Susan Strickland


Organizational Culture and the Representation of Black Women in Senior Level Federal Government Positions: A Case Study 

Dr. Maurice White

Organizational Development

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